Thursday, July 17, 2008

Important By-Election Victory for the DA in Pretoria



Raadslid Jan van Zyl, Voorsitter van die Demokratiese Alliansie se Gauteng-Noord Streek, het hulle kandidaat, Mev Suzette Fourie, geluk gewens met haar verkiesing as DA raadslid vir Wyk 55 in die weste van Pretoria. Sy het die tussenverkiesing met 'n meerderheid van 143 stemme gewen waar die VF+, die ANC en die ACA ook kandidate gestel het.

Die Demokratiese Alliansie het ‘n verbete aanslag van die VF+ suksesvol afgeweer met hierdie oorwinning. Hierdie oorwinning bewys dat die DA se boodskap van goeie dienslewering tot kiesers oor kultuurgrense heen spreek. Die VF+ se retoriek wat swaar op minderheidsvrese steun, vind nêrens meer by denkende mense aanklank nie en behoort tot die verlede.

“Die DA is trots op sy lede en ondersteuners. Die VF+ het tevergeefs met sy hele arsenaal van oor die ganse land, insluitende sy top leierskap, op die verkiesing konsentreer. Die DA se boodskap van ‘n sterk opposisie teen die ANC het egter meer inslag by die kiersers gevind”, het Raadslid Van Zyl gesê.

Hy het bygevoeg dat “Etniese gebaseerde klein politiek, deurspek van venyn, nie meer tot die kiesers spreek nie. Die opsie van ‘n sterk opposisie gebaseer op getoetste beginsels wat die demokrasie tot die voordeel van alle gemeenskappe bestendig, geniet groter steun as uitgediende bangmaak stories. Dit is jammer dat die VF+ so 'n venynige aanval op die Leier van die DA, Helen Zille, geloods het. Mens moet seker maar met modder begin gooi waar jou beleid tekort skiet. Die inwoners van Wyk 55 kan egter verseker wees dat raadslid Fourie vir al die mense tot diens sal wees. Sy is 'n voorslag mens wat dinge kan raakvat! Met die oorwinning gister berei die party homself voor om saam met ander partye, geskoei op gedeelde waardes, die oorname van die Tswane Metroraad in die volgende plaaslike verkiesing in 2011, te verseker."

Uitgereik deur: Raadslid Jan van Zyl, Voorsitter DA Gauteng-Noord Streek
Tel 012 347-7673, Faks 012 347-9114 - Selfoon 082 467 7860 - e-pos:

Media statement
Councillor Jan van Zyl, Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance, Gauteng North Region, congratulated their candidate, Mrs Suzette Fourie, on her election as DA councillor for Ward 55 in the west of Pretoria. She won the by-election with a majority of 143 votes where the FF+, the ANC and the ACA also had candidates.
The Democratic Alliance successfully fought a tough onslaught from the FF+ with this victory. It proves that the message of the DA of excellent service delivery reaches voters of all cultural groups. The rhetoric of the FF+, which leans heavily on minority fears, does not find favour with thinking people, and belongs to the past.
"The DA is proud of his members and supporters. The FF+ concentrated with his whole arsenal from all over the country, including his top leadership corps, on this by-election, but without success. The message of the DA to form a strong opposition against the ANC found more favour with the electorate," councillor Van Zyl said.
Van Zyl added that "ethnic-based politics, full of venom, does not interest the electorate any longer. The option of a strong opposition based on tested principles which strengthens democracy in the interest of all communities, receives bigger support as obsolete and old-fashioned intimidating stories. It is a pity that the FF+ orchestrated such a vicious attack on the Leader of the DA, Helen Zille. I suppose one must start slinging mud where your policy is getting a bit thin. The residents of Ward 55 can be assured that councillor Fourie will be of service to all the people. She is a quality person who can make things happen! With this victory yesterday, the party is preparing to take over the leadership in the Tshwane Metropolitan Council with other parties with the same values, at the next municipal election in 2001."
Issued by: Councillor Jan van Zyl, Chairperson, DA Gauteng North Region
Tel 012 347-7673, Fax 012 347-9114 - Cell 082 467 7860 - e-mail:

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