Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tshwane not ready for 2010

Press release: Councillor Johan Welmans, DA Spokesperson for Sport, Tshwane. 24 June 2008

The Democratic Alliance warned the ANC lead Council on numerous occasions that Tshwane is not on track with it’s preparations to host the 2010 World Cup Soccer tournament .

“ I can only reiterate my comments made in this regard before: If the city does not get it’s act together we can forget about hosting the 2010 soccer tournament in South Africa’s capital city.” said Clr Johan Welmans, the DA Tshwane Metro caucus’ spokesperson for sport, reacting to statements in the media confirming the DA’s reservations about the City’s readiness for 2010.

Clr Welmans also pointed out that the DA asked for a report regarding the Confederation cup to be presented a year prior to 2010. “We are still waiting for that report. If we cannot even present the Confederation cup, then really, how can we expect to be ready for 2010?” Welmans asked.

Welmans confirmed that work at the Loftus Versveld stadium and the Giant stadium in Soshanguve is far from complete.

“We are running out of time and still the council is dragging it’s feet. Had Council only taken the DA serious when we warned them about the situation, we would not have been where we are now.” Welmans said.

This is clearly the result of a poorly administrated city council caught up in petty politics that continues to ignore the constructive contribution the DA as official opposition makes.

‘One can only hope that now that the mayor of the city has been warned by her own party, on the highest level that is, will they come to terms with the reality of the looming 2010 crisis.” Welmans added.

Clr Welmans submitted a letter to the MMC for Sport asking to convene a Portfolio meeting as soon as possible to discuss the issue as a matter of great urgency.

The 2010 soccer world cup is a prestigious event that offers South Africa the opportunity to showcase its best. The Tshwane City Council must get it’s house in order to prevent a major embarrassment.

Councillor Johan Welmans – 072 617 919 7

Media verklaring :Raadslid Johan Welmans, DA Woordvoerder vir Sport, Tswane. 24 Junie 2008

Tshwane nie gereed vir 2010

Die Demokratiese Alliansie het die ANC geleide raad op verskeie geleenthede gewaarsku dat Tshwane nie op koers is met sy voorbereidings om die 2010 Wêreldbekersokkertoernooi aan te bied nie.

“ Ek kan net my kommentaar in hierdie verband herhaal: As die stad nie sy sake in orde kry nie kan ons daarvan vergeet om die 2010 Wêreldbekersokker toernooi in Suid-Afrika se hoofstad aan te bied.” het raadslid Johan Welmans, die DA Tshwane metro koukus se woordvoerder vir sport, gesê in reaksie op media berigte wat die DA se bekommernis oor die stad se gereedheid vir 2010 bevestig.

Raadslid Welmans het ook daarop gewys dat die DA gevra het vir ‘n verslag betreffende die Konfederasie beker wat ‘n jaar voor 2010 aangebied moet word. “ Ons wag steeds vir die verslag. As ons nie die Konfederasie beker kan aanbied nie, hoe kan ons verwag om gereed te wees vir 2010?” het Welmans gevra.

Welmans het bevestig dat die werk by die Loftus Versveld stadion asook die Giant stadion in Soshanguve ver van klaar af is.

“ Die tyd is besig om uit te hardloop en die raad sleep steeds voete. As die raad maar net die DA ernstig geneem het toe ons hulle oor die situasie gewaarsku het, sou ons nie nou hier gewees het nie.” het Welmans gesê.

Dit is die gevolg van ‘n swak bestuurde raad, vasgevang in klein politiek, wat aanhou om die goed bedoelde en konstruktiewe bydrae van die amptelike opposisie te ignoreer.

“ ‘n Mens kan net hoop dat nou dat die burgemeester deur haar eie party gewaarsku is, nogal op die hoogste vlak, hulle die realiteit in die oë sal kyk betreffende ‘n 2010 krisis.” het Welmans bygevoeg.

Raadslid Welmans het ‘n brief vir die lid van die Burgemeesters kommitee gestuur waarin ‘n dringede portefeulje vergadering aangevra word om die krisis as ‘n saak van dringendheid te bespreek.

Die 2010 Wêreldbekersokkertoernooi is ‘n prestige geleentheid wat Suid-Afrika die geleentheid bied om sy beste ten toon te stel. Die Tshwane raad moet sy huis in orde kry om homself ‘n groot verleentheid te spaar.

Raadslid Johan Welmans – 072 617 919 7

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mmutle: a political appointment without benefit for the city

Persverklaring: Wyksraadslid Karen Meyer, DA Woorvoerder: Gemeenskapsveiligheid en Nooddienste, Tshwane. 19 Junie 2008

Mmutle: ‘n politieke aanstelling sonder voordeel vir die stad

Die Demokratiese Alliansie het met skok kennis geneem dat die ANC beheerde raad voortgegaan het met die kontroversiële aanstelling van Kommissaris Mpho Mmutle as hoof van die Tshwane Metro Polisie. Dit kom na herhaalde waarskuwings deur die DA dat hierdie nie ‘n gewensde aanstelling is nie.

Dit is duidelik dat politiek belangriker is as effektiewe dienslewering en produktiwiteit. Hierdie aanstelling voeg nie ‘n waarde by tot die Gemeenskapsveiligheid Department nie, ‘n department wat juis nou bekwame bestuur en leiding benodig om effektiewe dienslewering te verseker.

Mmutle is in Desember 2004 met ‘n lang lys aantygings teen hom van die raad na die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens “teruggeroep”.

‘n Forensiese oudit deur die ouditeursfirma Deloitte en Touche het in 2004 tugstappe teen Mmutle, sy drie adjunkte en nog vier senior metropolisielede aanbeveel na bewerings van nepotisme, korrupsie en wanbestuur op die televisie program Carte Blanche.

Soever bekend is die aantygings van wanbestuur teen Mmutle nooit weerlê nie.

Daar is ook reeds aanduidings dat Mmutle sy eie span saam bring na die pos by die Metro polisie.

Die DA is vas oortuig dat daar ander kandidate vir hierdie pos was sonder ‘n negatiewe geskiedenis. Waarom moes die keuse juis op Mmutle val?

Misdaad is almal se vyand nommer een. Juis daarom betreur die DA die feit dat die belange van die gemeenskap die knie moes buig voor goedkoop politiek met met geen voordeel vir die breë gemeenskap nie.

Raadslid Karen Meyer
DA Woordvoerder: Gemeenskapsveiligheid en Nooddienste
082 373 7662

Press release: Ward Councillor Karen Meyer, DA Spokesperson: Community Safety and Emergency Services, Tshwane. 19 June 2008

The Democratic Alliance learnt with shock that the ANC went ahead with the controversial appointment of Commissioner Mpho Mmutle as the head of the Tshwane Metro Police. This happened despite repeated warnings by the DA that this is not a desired appointment.

It is clear that politics are more important than effective service delivery and productivity. This appointment doesn’t add value to the Community Safety Department, a department that needs skilled management more than ever to ensure effective service delivery.

Mmutle has been ‘called back’ to the SAPS from the Council in 2004 with a long list of accusations against him.

A forensic audit by the audit firm Deloitte and Touche recommended disciplinary steps against Mmutle, his three deputies and four senior metro police members following accusations of nepotism, corruption en mismanagement on the television programme Carte Blanche.

To the DA’s knowledge these accusations of miss management have never been refuted.

There is already an indication that Mmutle will bring his own team with him to the post at the Metro Police.

The DA is convinced that there were other candidates for this post without any negative history. Why was Mmutle chosen?
Crime is everyone’s number one enemy. Therefor the DA finds regrettable that the interest of the community had to bow before cheap politics with no benefit for the broader community.

Councillor Karen Meyer
DA Spokesperson: Community Safety and Emergency Services
082 373 7662

Tuesday, June 17, 2008



The Democratic Alliance(DA) again tried to submit a motion at the council meeting held on 29 May regarding the African National Congress’s (ANC’s) stance that the Tshwane Metro Council meet only every second month. The Speaker disallowed the motion for technical reasons and would not allow it to be discussed.

A motion in this regard was first submitted by DA councillor Peter Millar at the Council meeting held on 27 March 2008 calling for more Council meetings, at least once a month.

In the motion that was tabled by Councillor Peter Millar the following was pointed out: “By meeting every two months there is a delay in making important decisions and retarding development. There is a delay in dealing with and responding to motions, questions, and petitions, thus resulting in a lack of accountability and openness to ordinary citizens, the media, ward committees and other structures in society.”

Clearly the ANC does not put a high premium on transparent and accountable government. If a motion calling for the broadening for democracy is simply turned down in council before even debated, our democracy is at risk.

The DA again calls on the ANC to revisit this arrangement of meeting only every second month. Government should be about the will of the people, not the self interest of politicians

DA Councillor Peter Millar
082 5744 103



Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA)het weer probeer om ‘n mosie by die raadsvergadering van 29 Mei 2008 in te dien rakende die ANC se posisie dat Tshwane raadsvergaderings slegs elke twee maande gehou word. Die Speaker het om tegniese redes nie die mosie toegelaat nie en wou ook nie toelaat dat dit bespreek word nie.

‘n Mosie in hierdie verband is die eerste keer by die raadsvergadering van 27 Maart 2008 ingedien waarin gevra word vir meer gereelde raadsvergaderings, ten minste maandeliks.

In die mosie wat ter tafel gelê is deur raadslid Peter Millar is die volgende uitgewys: “ Deur elke tweede maand te vergader is daar ‘n openhoud met die neem van belangrike besluite wat ontwikkeling vertraag. Daar is voorts ‘n openhoud met die hantering en reaksie op mosies, vrae en petisies, wat ten gevolg het in gebrekkige verantwoordbaarheid en deursigtigheid teenoor gewone burgers, die media, wykskomitee’s en ander strukture in die gemeenskap.”

Dis duidelik dat die ANC nie ‘n hoë premium op deursigtige en verantwoordbare regering plaas nie. As ‘n mosie wat vra vir die verruiming van demokrasie sommer meer afgewys word in die raad sonder dat daaroor gedabteer word, is ons demokrasie in die moeilikheid.

Die DA doen weereens ‘n beroep op die ANC om die reëling van twee maandelikse vergaderings te heroorweeg. Regering moet oor die wil van die mense gaan, nie die eie belang van politici nie.

DA Raadslid Peter Millar
082 5744 103

Monday, June 9, 2008


The DA urges all South Africans living in the Gauteng region to make a special effort to attend the Million Man March against crime.

Date: 10 June 2008
Time: Main Event starts at 11h30 and ends at 13h00.
Venue: Union Building, Pretoria

Join the DA on the grass on the left hand side of the Union Buildings. Go to the Million Man March website for more information regarding the routes, parking and procedures.

Let the 10th of June go down in history as a day of unity and purpose in South Africa in the fight against crime!

Monday, June 2, 2008

DA Rejects Tshwane Budget, Rates Policy and IDP

During the Special Council Meeting held on Thursday 29 May 2008, the Democratic Alliance Pretoria-Tshwane Caucus voted against the proposed budget.

According to the DA the budget priorities were left a lot to be desired and was not geared towards economic growth for teh city. The budget seems to become more of a social welfare budget in stead of one that provides opportunities and a hand up for communities living in our city.

The Tshwane Council cannot afford to become a welfare city and needs to put as much budget towards creating economic opportunities for communities as it does in providing grants in aid. If this is not done the city will never be able to develop its people to become more economically active and therefore less dependent on handouts.

The DA also rejectd the Property Rates Policy suggested by the Council. Although the DA is of the view that the policy is by and large fair, it is upset that the policy does not make provision for larger rebates for pensioners, invalids, the infirm and independent schools.

Taking into consideration by how much the budget will grow due to the new property rates levels, there was more than enough room to allow for these concessions which were including in the draft policy. Why the ANC changed the policy is beyond comprehension.

Lastly, the DA was also very dissatisfied with the IDP and the lack of proper community consultation that took place when compiling the integrated development plan. The residents and communities within the city are being marginalised increasingly and their voice silenced. Their needs seem to be secondary to those who are influential in stead of counting the same weight.

The administrative bungling that goes hand in hand with so called public participation in the city excludes too mane residents from having their voices heard.

The DA is also concerned that the IDP has no real influence and plays no real role in addressing the needs of the community. The IDP has become a wish list which is generally ignored by the Council when they have to make decisions about planning and development.