Issued by Cllr. Karen Meyer
The DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE cannot understand why the ANC in the Tshwane Metro Council insists on constantly ignoring all rules and regulations.
The fact that Robert McBride is on a short list and one of five possible appointments as Strategic Executive Director of Community Safety, is to say the least, a scary thought!
The DA is of the firm view that lawbreakers cannot be law enforcers. The fact that this unacceptable practice includes a possible senior position is direct evidence of the corrupt processes and attitudes of the ruling administration in the Tshwane Metro Council.
How someone such as McBride could even be on a short list for such an important position shows us that the ANC has the full intention of ensuring another political appointment.
The South African Police Service (SAPS) Act, Act 68 of 1995, Section 64D clearly stipulates that “a Municipal Council may appoint only the FIRST Chief of Police as a “fit and proper person”. Thereafter, in terms of Section 64C, the Chief must be a member of the Municipal Police.
Therefore, only the first appointment may be a political appointment! Thereafter, the Chief must have completed a Traffic Diploma and a Municipal Police Diploma. These requirements can only be waived by the National Commissioner and only with regard to the first appointment. No waiving of the rule can now be considered, as the relevant legislation does not allow this to happen at all!
The question is: “Did McBride obtain these qualifications?”
Regulation 11 of the act further states that with regard to the requirements for appointment that “such a person has no previous criminal convictions”. It is a known fact that Robert McBride has charges of drunken driving and obstruction of justice charges against him. What happens if the Council appoints him and he is found guilty in a month or two? Will he receive a “golden handshake” as has become the norm in this Council to get rid of all previous appointments?
It is quite worrying that of all persons who applied, McBride be deemed one of the chosen few. The DA would like to see the CV’s of everyone who applied, as our sources inform us that at least three of the five do not qualify! Was this done on purpose so that McBride will stand out and be the chosen one?
Information available to us also indicates that candidates with the necessary experience, qualifications and expertise, as well as excellent background checks, were not even considered.
The fact that the two unions of Council, IMATU and SAMWU, were not invited to the interviews, is another grave concern. According to the Council’s staffing and recruitment policy, a collective agreement states that they must form part of the process to ensure transparency. So much for transparency!!
We, as residents of Pretoria, cannot afford to be saddled with incompetent and incapable Metro Police Officers that we cannot trust. Responsible action of the ANC-governed Council should be to assess the whole evaluation process.
The DA therefore intends to introduce an urgent motion in this regard at the next Council meeting.