Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Issued by Cllr. Gert Pretorius

According to Alderman Gert Pretorius, Leader of the DA Caucus in the Tshwane Metro, “The Tshwane Metro is sitting on a time bomb ready to explode, the municipal area's lights will go of if drastic action is not taken soon. “
According to a presentation made to the portfolio committee: Public works and infrastructure development, the city is in a predicament. Most of the infrastructure is far beyond the replacement date and there are no funds to replace critical components. The replacement value of the city's electricity infrastructure totals more than R 15 Billion. Pretorius said that the electricity department needed R750 million annually to ensure that the city's power keeps on flowing, but only received R303 million, thus a short fall of R447 million! The effects here are too terrible to comprehend".
Economic development and continuous electricity supply goes hand in hand. In Pretoria North and Akasia, many developments are being rejected because there is not sufficient power supply. If the lack in maintenance is added to the equation, the situation of the city’s future is dire.
To make matters worse, the ANC government of the city uses the profits emanating from the sale of electricity to fund the general budget. In well run cities all over the world, 5% of the value of infrastructure is spent on maintenance and preventative maintenance. If one looks at the spending patterns in the Tshwane Metro over the past years, it is clear that a sharp decline in maintenance occurred since the ANC came to power. The situation is not sustainable; the city's ability to supply electricity will collapse if we continue on this trend. To eliminate the Maintenance backlog, almost a third of the capital budget is needed. This situation is an indication of very poor political management.
This would never happen in a DA controlled City.

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