Friday, November 26, 2010


By Cllr Brandon Topham

The Democratic Alliance in Tshwane is pleased that the outstanding Ntsebeza report was released to council. We do not support the decision taken to make a settlement offer to Kekana of R2,340,512. We do not agree with the ANC's decision to settle rather than complete the investigation which commenced in February 2010. The inspection to date has incurred R757 553 in costs but has no conclusive conclusions due to reported interference and lack of co-operation form officials per instruction of the previous Mayor Ramokgopa. Whilst we agree that spending money to complete an inspection which in part will be covered by the Special Investigations Unit does not make sense, we believe that in the interest of justice and proper public administration, Kekana and the public deserve to know the truth about the allegations prior to him being paid a golden hand shake of convenience which will allow the city to wash its hands of the dirty laundry in the eye public for so long. Why should our money be waisted just because our previous Mayor did not allow evidence to be presented to the investigators? The money spent to date is wasteful and fruitless expenditure due to her actions and should be recovered from her. Allowing someone to escape justice purely because of inconclusive evidence due to interference is bad for our city and creates an unhealthy position. The city must bite the bullet and complete the inspection without interference and then a decision made. The current payment of convenience is not acceptable in a modern democratic and transparent society. Kekana must face the charges and be cleared or found guilty.

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