The present flight of skills experienced at the Tshwane City Council threatens to paralyze effective service delivery in Pretoria.
It is of utmost importance to establish the reasons why the working environment at the council appears not to be conducive for motivated and productive working performances.
The Democratic Alliance calls on the City Council to commission an independent working environment survey to ascertain the morale, or lack thereof, of employees and to establish what factors are contributing to the spate of resignations experienced at present.
“Human resources are the council’s most precious asset. Without the human factor, no system, even if supported by the most advanced technology, can be of any use. Retaining skilled and loyal employees is a non- negotiable.” said Councillor Adriana Randall.
Racism, nepotism, poor management in general, the manner in which the Alternative Service Structure (ASD) is implemented and inadequate travelling allowances, to mention a few, are cited as possible reasons for widespread negativity among personnel.
In the light of the present exodus at the Council it is clear that time is not on our side. We need to get to bottom of this as soon as possible. An appeal is consequently made to Council to commission a survey without delay.
The DA questions the ANC-lead Council’s commitment to the “Batho Pele’ principles, which are supposed to inspire employer and employee alike. Without the political will and commitment noble ideas remain elusive dreams.
On the one hand, it is only fair to all employees to ensure positive working conditions which will benefit their performance and output. On the other, residents and tax payers of the city deserve no less than effective service delivery.
Councillor Adriana Randall (083 263 8667)
Oproep om ‘n dringende besigheid omgewingsopname by die Tshwane stadsraad
Die huidige uittog van kundigheid by die Tshwane stadsraad dreig om effektiewe dienslewering in Pretoria lam te lê. Dit is uiters noodsaaklik om vas te stel waarom die werksomgewing by die raad nie bevorderlik blyk te wees vir gemotiveerde en produktiewe werksprestasie nie.
Die Demokratiese Alliansie doen ‘n oproep op die stadsraad om ‘n onafhanklike werksomgewing opname uit te voer om die moraal, of gebrek daaraan, onder werknemers te bepaal en vas te stel wat aanleiding gee tot die huidige vlaag van bedankings by die stadsraad.
“Menslike hulpbronne is die raad se belangrikste bate. Sonder die menslike faktor kan geen sisteem, selfs al word dit ondersteun deur gevorderde tegnologie, van enige nut wees nie. Die behoud van kundige en lojale werknemers is ononderhandelbaar.” het raadslid Adriana Randall gesê.
Rassisme, nepotisme, swak bestuur in die algemeen, die wyse hoe die Alternatiewe Dienste Struktuur (ADS) geimplimenteer word en ontoereikende reistoelaes, om net enkele voorbeelde te noem, word as moontlike redes aangedui vir die wydverspreide negatiwiteit onder die personeel.
Teen die agtergrond van die huidige eksodus by die stadsraad is dit duidelik dat tyd nie aan ons kant is nie. Ons moet so gou moontlik by die kern van die probleem uitkom. ‘n Oproep word dus op die raad gemaak om ‘n onafhanklike opname sonder verwyl uit te voer.
Die DA bevraagteken die ANC beheerde raad se verbintenis tot die ‘Batho Pele’ beginsels, wat veronderstel is om beide werkgewer en werknemer te inspireer. Sonder die politieke wil bly edel idees ‘n mens ontwyk.
Enersyds is dit regverdig teenoor werknemers om positiewe werkstoestande te verseker wat hul prestasie en uitsette ondersteun. Andersyds is die inwoners en belastingbetalers van die stad geregtig op effektiewe dienslewering.
Raadslid Adriana Randall ( 083 263 8667)
The present flight of skills experienced at the Tshwane City Council threatens to paralyze effective service delivery in Pretoria.
It is of utmost importance to establish the reasons why the working environment at the council appears not to be conducive for motivated and productive working performances.
The Democratic Alliance calls on the City Council to commission an independent working environment survey to ascertain the morale, or lack thereof, of employees and to establish what factors are contributing to the spate of resignations experienced at present.
“Human resources are the council’s most precious asset. Without the human factor, no system, even if supported by the most advanced technology, can be of any use. Retaining skilled and loyal employees is a non- negotiable.” said Councillor Adriana Randall.
Racism, nepotism, poor management in general, the manner in which the Alternative Service Structure (ASD) is implemented and inadequate travelling allowances, to mention a few, are cited as possible reasons for widespread negativity among personnel.
In the light of the present exodus at the Council it is clear that time is not on our side. We need to get to bottom of this as soon as possible. An appeal is consequently made to Council to commission a survey without delay.
The DA questions the ANC-lead Council’s commitment to the “Batho Pele’ principles, which are supposed to inspire employer and employee alike. Without the political will and commitment noble ideas remain elusive dreams.
On the one hand, it is only fair to all employees to ensure positive working conditions which will benefit their performance and output. On the other, residents and tax payers of the city deserve no less than effective service delivery.
Councillor Adriana Randall (083 263 8667)
Oproep om ‘n dringende besigheid omgewingsopname by die Tshwane stadsraad
Die huidige uittog van kundigheid by die Tshwane stadsraad dreig om effektiewe dienslewering in Pretoria lam te lê. Dit is uiters noodsaaklik om vas te stel waarom die werksomgewing by die raad nie bevorderlik blyk te wees vir gemotiveerde en produktiewe werksprestasie nie.
Die Demokratiese Alliansie doen ‘n oproep op die stadsraad om ‘n onafhanklike werksomgewing opname uit te voer om die moraal, of gebrek daaraan, onder werknemers te bepaal en vas te stel wat aanleiding gee tot die huidige vlaag van bedankings by die stadsraad.
“Menslike hulpbronne is die raad se belangrikste bate. Sonder die menslike faktor kan geen sisteem, selfs al word dit ondersteun deur gevorderde tegnologie, van enige nut wees nie. Die behoud van kundige en lojale werknemers is ononderhandelbaar.” het raadslid Adriana Randall gesê.
Rassisme, nepotisme, swak bestuur in die algemeen, die wyse hoe die Alternatiewe Dienste Struktuur (ADS) geimplimenteer word en ontoereikende reistoelaes, om net enkele voorbeelde te noem, word as moontlike redes aangedui vir die wydverspreide negatiwiteit onder die personeel.
Teen die agtergrond van die huidige eksodus by die stadsraad is dit duidelik dat tyd nie aan ons kant is nie. Ons moet so gou moontlik by die kern van die probleem uitkom. ‘n Oproep word dus op die raad gemaak om ‘n onafhanklike opname sonder verwyl uit te voer.
Die DA bevraagteken die ANC beheerde raad se verbintenis tot die ‘Batho Pele’ beginsels, wat veronderstel is om beide werkgewer en werknemer te inspireer. Sonder die politieke wil bly edel idees ‘n mens ontwyk.
Enersyds is dit regverdig teenoor werknemers om positiewe werkstoestande te verseker wat hul prestasie en uitsette ondersteun. Andersyds is die inwoners en belastingbetalers van die stad geregtig op effektiewe dienslewering.
Raadslid Adriana Randall ( 083 263 8667)
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