Press release: Ward Councillor Duncan Baker, DA Tshwane Caucus. 17 September 2008
DA supports rational approach regarding limited access to residential areas.
The Democratic Alliance welcomes the decision taken today by the Appeal Authority regarding limited access to residential areas in Pretoria. The favourable verdict today came after consensus was reached between the various parties.
The implication of the successful appeals by Resident associations is that applications will be considered on merit in future.
It probably extend the lifespan of the present seven applications that were appealed, depending on further information that will be presented.
“This paves the way that future applications will be considered on merit considering the interests of the community.” said councillor Duncan Baker( Ward 46).
There was a rare display of consensus between the political parties who held a joint caucus to decide on matters of procedure. The recommendations by all the departments in the Council were positive and supportive, including the Metro Police and the SAPS.
The various applicants are praised for the quality of their presentations that simplified matters for the Appeal Authority. The verdict offers a basis for constructive cooperation in future.
The DA will continue to fight for the rights of the community.
Councillor Duncan Baker
DA Ward councillor – ward 46
082 714 5185
Persverklaring: Wyksraadslid Duncan Baker, DA, Tshwane. 17 September 2008
DA ondersteun rasionele benadering betreffende beperkte toegang tot woonbuurte
Die Demokratiese Alliansie verwelkom die besluit wat vandag deur die appél liggaam geneem is rakende beperkte toegang tot woonbuurte in Pretoria.
Die gusntige uitspraak vandag kom nadat ongewone konsensus bereik is deur die verskillende partye.
Die implikasie van die suksesvolle appélle wat deur Inwoners Verenigings ingedien is, is dat sulke aansoeke suiwer op meriete oorweeg sal word in die toekoms.
Dit verleng waarskynlik die leeftyd van die huidige sewe aansoeke wat geappeleer is hangende verdere besonderhede wat hopelik binnekort uitgereik sal word.
“Dit weg die baan dat toekomstige aansoeke op meriete oorweeg sal word met inagneming van die gemeenskap se belange.” Aldus raadslid Duncan Baker (wyk 46).
Daar was ‘n seldsame vertoon van konsensus tussen politieke partye wat ‘n gesamentlike koukus gehou het om sake oor prosedures uit te klaar. Die aanbeveling van alle departemente in die raad was deurgaans positief en ondersteunend, insluitende die Metro polisie en die SAPD.
Die verskillende aansoekers word geloof vir die kwaliteit van hul voorleggings wat die taak van die appél liggaam aansielik vergemaklik het. Die uitspraak bied ‘n basis vir konstruktiewe samewerking in die toekoms.
Die DA sal aanhou om te veg vir die regte van die gemeenskap.
Raadslid Duncan Baker
DA Wyksraadslid – wyk 46
082 714 5185
DA supports rational approach regarding limited access to residential areas.
The Democratic Alliance welcomes the decision taken today by the Appeal Authority regarding limited access to residential areas in Pretoria. The favourable verdict today came after consensus was reached between the various parties.
The implication of the successful appeals by Resident associations is that applications will be considered on merit in future.
It probably extend the lifespan of the present seven applications that were appealed, depending on further information that will be presented.
“This paves the way that future applications will be considered on merit considering the interests of the community.” said councillor Duncan Baker( Ward 46).
There was a rare display of consensus between the political parties who held a joint caucus to decide on matters of procedure. The recommendations by all the departments in the Council were positive and supportive, including the Metro Police and the SAPS.
The various applicants are praised for the quality of their presentations that simplified matters for the Appeal Authority. The verdict offers a basis for constructive cooperation in future.
The DA will continue to fight for the rights of the community.
Councillor Duncan Baker
DA Ward councillor – ward 46
082 714 5185
Persverklaring: Wyksraadslid Duncan Baker, DA, Tshwane. 17 September 2008
DA ondersteun rasionele benadering betreffende beperkte toegang tot woonbuurte
Die Demokratiese Alliansie verwelkom die besluit wat vandag deur die appél liggaam geneem is rakende beperkte toegang tot woonbuurte in Pretoria.
Die gusntige uitspraak vandag kom nadat ongewone konsensus bereik is deur die verskillende partye.
Die implikasie van die suksesvolle appélle wat deur Inwoners Verenigings ingedien is, is dat sulke aansoeke suiwer op meriete oorweeg sal word in die toekoms.
Dit verleng waarskynlik die leeftyd van die huidige sewe aansoeke wat geappeleer is hangende verdere besonderhede wat hopelik binnekort uitgereik sal word.
“Dit weg die baan dat toekomstige aansoeke op meriete oorweeg sal word met inagneming van die gemeenskap se belange.” Aldus raadslid Duncan Baker (wyk 46).
Daar was ‘n seldsame vertoon van konsensus tussen politieke partye wat ‘n gesamentlike koukus gehou het om sake oor prosedures uit te klaar. Die aanbeveling van alle departemente in die raad was deurgaans positief en ondersteunend, insluitende die Metro polisie en die SAPD.
Die verskillende aansoekers word geloof vir die kwaliteit van hul voorleggings wat die taak van die appél liggaam aansielik vergemaklik het. Die uitspraak bied ‘n basis vir konstruktiewe samewerking in die toekoms.
Die DA sal aanhou om te veg vir die regte van die gemeenskap.
Raadslid Duncan Baker
DA Wyksraadslid – wyk 46
082 714 5185
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