COUNCIL MEETING 28 August 2008
Item 13 of the main agenda & Item 5 of Annexure A
Expansion of City Shopping Complex and Urban Design Framework, Mabopane Station
Speech by Councillor Peter Millar (DA), ward 41.
Member of the Portfolio Committee, City Planning and Regional Development.
In all the years that I have been in this Council, many reports have been submitted that contain wonderful ideas.
So many of them remain just good ideas. In spite of all the hype, promises and expectations, they are never implemented. They lie on some musty, dusty shelf and will probably be destroyed when and if Munitoria is every imploded. The rebuilding of Munitoria is another example of good ideas still waiting to happen.
Much effort and time has been put into the framework for the Mabopane Station and not without good cause. Further development and upgrading of this area has become necessary for upliftment of the region.
There is so much more potential there and this has been spotted by the Council, Intersite, Metrorail, the owners of Central City shopping centre and the entrepreneurs making a living in the precincts and surrounding areas of the station.
Central City shopping centre its self is an amazing place. It looks good; it’s clean, well maintained and thriving. This proves there is a demand for this type of facility in spite of all we have been told that this would never work. It can compete with the best shopping centres in more affluent areas of our City and the rest of the country. There is a good mix of tenants from small boutiques to national chain stores, banks and various service providers. Therefore, it is a good idea to encourage Central City to expand and for the Council to sell them the extra land required.
Intersite, the property subsidiary of Transnet, has committed its self to large and expensive extensions and renovations to the station. They will be providing much better facilities for train passengers and hawkers.
While Central City and Intersite are doing such a good job, the Council must not forget its responsibility.
Over and above building all the new services, roads, taxi ranks, etc., the Council must make sure that proper maintenance is done and that sufficient money is allocated in the budget for this in the future. All too often, Council facilities fall into disrepair very quickly due to lack of maintenance and management. The excuse is always the lack of provision in the budget.
Another good idea that never seems to be implemented is a ring fence budget. It is time to implement this other good idea and give the development a further boost. It will ensure money for maintenance into the future.
Also, hawkers must be pressured to keep their areas clean and tidy. They must not block walkways and the free flow of pedestrians and train passengers.
Further, taxis must learn to use the expensive facilities provided for them correctly. They must realise for once and for all that they are not a law unto themselves. Strict law enforcement will have to be implemented to make sure the area does not degenerate into a messy free-for-all, as so often happens.
Let us get on with this development as quickly as possible now. Let it not become just a good idea that has been forgotten about and end up on a dusty, musty shelf.
Item 13 of the main agenda & Item 5 of Annexure A
Expansion of City Shopping Complex and Urban Design Framework, Mabopane Station
Speech by Councillor Peter Millar (DA), ward 41.
Member of the Portfolio Committee, City Planning and Regional Development.
In all the years that I have been in this Council, many reports have been submitted that contain wonderful ideas.
So many of them remain just good ideas. In spite of all the hype, promises and expectations, they are never implemented. They lie on some musty, dusty shelf and will probably be destroyed when and if Munitoria is every imploded. The rebuilding of Munitoria is another example of good ideas still waiting to happen.
Much effort and time has been put into the framework for the Mabopane Station and not without good cause. Further development and upgrading of this area has become necessary for upliftment of the region.
There is so much more potential there and this has been spotted by the Council, Intersite, Metrorail, the owners of Central City shopping centre and the entrepreneurs making a living in the precincts and surrounding areas of the station.
Central City shopping centre its self is an amazing place. It looks good; it’s clean, well maintained and thriving. This proves there is a demand for this type of facility in spite of all we have been told that this would never work. It can compete with the best shopping centres in more affluent areas of our City and the rest of the country. There is a good mix of tenants from small boutiques to national chain stores, banks and various service providers. Therefore, it is a good idea to encourage Central City to expand and for the Council to sell them the extra land required.
Intersite, the property subsidiary of Transnet, has committed its self to large and expensive extensions and renovations to the station. They will be providing much better facilities for train passengers and hawkers.
While Central City and Intersite are doing such a good job, the Council must not forget its responsibility.
Over and above building all the new services, roads, taxi ranks, etc., the Council must make sure that proper maintenance is done and that sufficient money is allocated in the budget for this in the future. All too often, Council facilities fall into disrepair very quickly due to lack of maintenance and management. The excuse is always the lack of provision in the budget.
Another good idea that never seems to be implemented is a ring fence budget. It is time to implement this other good idea and give the development a further boost. It will ensure money for maintenance into the future.
Also, hawkers must be pressured to keep their areas clean and tidy. They must not block walkways and the free flow of pedestrians and train passengers.
Further, taxis must learn to use the expensive facilities provided for them correctly. They must realise for once and for all that they are not a law unto themselves. Strict law enforcement will have to be implemented to make sure the area does not degenerate into a messy free-for-all, as so often happens.
Let us get on with this development as quickly as possible now. Let it not become just a good idea that has been forgotten about and end up on a dusty, musty shelf.
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