The Tshwane Municipality has published its estimated property values for all properties in the municipality for inspection.
The new property rates system levies your monthly property rates on the market value of your full property (i.e. stand and improvements).
Make sure the valuation of your property is accurate by inspecting the draft valuation roll to make sure you don’t pay too much property tax from 1 July 2008.
If you want to lodge an objection to your property valuation please remember:
- No objection will be considered unless it is lodged on the prescribed form and submitted on/ before 30 April 2008.
- Only original forms will be considered.
- Lodging an objection will not defer liability for the payment of your rates.
Also note that all properties are valued on market value and if your valuation is correct or less than market value it would serve no purpose to lodge an objection to the value of your property.
Click on the brochure posted here for more information on how and where you can check your property's municipal valuation.
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