Agriculture, Environment and Conservation MEC Khabisi Mosunkutu called a press conference last week to contest the DA's “groundless and slanderous statements alleging 'suspicious interventions' and fragrant disregard of laws”. Fragrant? More like very smelly indeed, and sinister too, starting with the ejection of two DA MPLs at the press conference that was conducted like a Zanu-PF meeting. The MEC threatened court action against “libelous public statements”, warning that if the complainants lost, “the possibility is that I might take your house. I will also help you that you look for an alternative for your kids in some orphanage, because that’s the responsibility that I have. But I might just take your house, or your car, if you don’t have sufficient resources. So I hope you have enough."
Stink en Sinister
Die LUR van Landbou, Bewaring en Omgewingsake, Khabisi Mosunkutu, het laasweek ‘n perskonferensie gehou om die DA se aantuigings aan te spreek, of in sy eie woorde, die DA se “groundless and slanderous statements alleging 'suspicious interventions' and fragrant disregard of laws”. “Fragrant”? Eerder stink, en sinister ook, met twee DA LPW’s wat uit die staanspoor uitgejaag is uit die perskonferensie wat meer soos ‘n Zanu-PF vergadering gelyk het. Die LUR het gedreig met regsstappe teen sogenaamde “lasterlike publike uitsprake”, en gewaarsku dat as hulle verloor, “the possibility is that I might take your house. I will also help you that you look for an alternative for your kids in some orphanage, because that’s the responsibility that I have. But I might just take your house, or your car, if you don’t have sufficient resources. So I hope you have enough."
Stink en Sinister
Die LUR van Landbou, Bewaring en Omgewingsake, Khabisi Mosunkutu, het laasweek ‘n perskonferensie gehou om die DA se aantuigings aan te spreek, of in sy eie woorde, die DA se “groundless and slanderous statements alleging 'suspicious interventions' and fragrant disregard of laws”. “Fragrant”? Eerder stink, en sinister ook, met twee DA LPW’s wat uit die staanspoor uitgejaag is uit die perskonferensie wat meer soos ‘n Zanu-PF vergadering gelyk het. Die LUR het gedreig met regsstappe teen sogenaamde “lasterlike publike uitsprake”, en gewaarsku dat as hulle verloor, “the possibility is that I might take your house. I will also help you that you look for an alternative for your kids in some orphanage, because that’s the responsibility that I have. But I might just take your house, or your car, if you don’t have sufficient resources. So I hope you have enough."
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